Pediatric Physical Therapy Continuing Education Courses 2018 Ny

Price: $625
Experience Level: Beginner
Contact Hours: 19.5

This two day, remote course includes over five hours of pre-recorded learning followed by a live, remote course taught by instructor Dawn Sandalicidi, PT on Zoom.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), by 5 years of age, over 90% of children have daytime bladder control. What is life like for the other 10% who experience urinary leakage during the day? Bed-wetting is another pediatric issue with significant negative quality of life impact for children and their caregivers, with as much as 30% of 4 year-olds experiencing urinary leakage at night. Children who experience anxiety-causing events may have a higher risk of developing urinary incontinence, and in turn, having incontinence causes significant stress and anxiety for children. (Thibodeau et al., 2013) Having bowel dysfunction such as constipation is also a contributor to urinary leakage or urgency, and with nearly 5% of pediatric office visits occurring for constipation, the need to address these issues is great. (Constipation in Children, 2013) As pediatric bladder and bowel dysfunction can persist into adulthood, pelvic rehabilitation providers must direct attention to the pediatric population to improve the health in our patient populations.

The pediatric population is greatly under-served causing undo stress for the child and family as well as development of internalizing and externalizing psychological behaviors. The two most common pelvic floor dysfunctions in the pediatric population are dysfunctional elimination syndrome and bed-wetting. This specialty continuing education course focuses on the treatment of children with day or nighttime incontinence, fecal incontinence, and/or dysfunctional voiding habits.

This course begins with instruction in anatomy, physiology, and in development of normal voiding reflexes and urinary control. The participant will learn terminology from the International Children's Continence Society, medical evaluation concepts for bowel and bladder dysfunction, and common dysfunctions in voiding and defecation. Common causes of incontinence in the pediatric patient will be covered, and a comprehensive approach to evaluation will be instructed including video examinations of the pelvic floor and surface electromyography (or sEMG, a form of biofeedback.)


This continuing education seminar is targeted to physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapist assistants, registered nurses, nurse midwives, and other rehabilitation professionals. Content is not intended for use outside the scope of the learner's license or regulation. Physical therapy continuing education courses should not be taken by individuals who are not licensed or otherwise regulated, except, as they are involved in a specific plan of care.


This is a beginning level course. There are no courses one must take as a prerequisite for this pediatric continuing education course. However, all pre-recorded lectures in Teachable for this course must be watched before the Live Component of the course. See the Schedule tab for the current list of pre-recorded videos

Prerequisite Assignments

Read Suzanne's Story

Complete a Bladder Diary (Instructions attached)

What to Bring:

Participants please log onto the meeting with a Theraband medium resistance and 10 cuff pound weight or equivalent

Are you treating pediatric patients and looking for helpful resources? Check out Herman & Wallace's Pediatric Pelvic Floor Manual

Constipation in Children. (2013)retrieved June 9, 2014 from
Thibodeau, B. A., Metcalfe, P., Koop, P., & Moore, K. (2013). Urinary incontinence and quality of life in children. Journal of pediatric urology, 9(1), 78-83.
Urinary Incontinence in Children. (2012). Retrieved June 9, 2014 from

Upon completion of this continuing education seminar, participants will learn:

  1. List 2 muscles groups and describe 3 functions of the pelvic floor
  2. Understand the development of normal urinary control in pediatrics
  3. Understand medical red flags for abnormal voiding and when to refer to medical doctor
  4. List the 4 phases of defecation and describe the rectal anal inhibitory reflex
  5. Identify common causes of constipation and its' relationship to bladder dysfunction
  6. Perform soft tissue techniques for constipation
  7. Describe the pelvic floor relationship to voiding reflexes
  8. Understand pediatric urology terminology and investigative tools used for testing the pediatric patient for differential diagnosis
  9. Discuss education and treatment about diet including bladder health and bladder retraining
  10. Understand pediatric pelvic floor dysfunctions on SEMG as it relates to bowel and bladder function
  11. Identify the need for referral based on SEMG findings and visual PFM assessment
  12. Evaluate the effects of posture and positioning on pelvic floor muscle recruitment and relaxation
  13. Understand the psychological effects of bedwetting, daytime urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence and know when to refer to appropriate practitioners
  14. Describe behavioral treatments or Urotherapy for pediatric pelvic floor dysfunctions
  15. Understand the use of surface electromyography (SEMG) in the pediatric patient
  16. Develop treatment progressions for children with pediatric bowel and bladder dysfunction
  17. Perform verbal instruction of pelvic floor activation
  18. Perform 3 different diaphragmatic breathing techniques for pediatric patients including diastasis rectus abdominis assessment with examples of core activation
  19. Discuss the effects of toileting postures on pelvic floor muscle recruitment and relaxation

NOTE: Times below are listed in Pacific time zone
For assistance converting the times below to your local time zone, use this link:

Before Day One

These video lectures in Teachable must be viewed in-full prior to the course
Total video lecture time: 5.3 hours

1) Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor (37 min)
2) Posture and Development of the PFM (6 min)
3) Normal bowel & bladder function in pediatrics (21 min)
4) Standardization of terminology of bladder function in children and adolescents (20 min)
5) Conditions and diagnoses (27 min)
6) Investigative Tools: Bladder diaries (25 min)
7) Investigative Tools: Uroflow (23 min)
8) Investigative Tools: Invasive Testing (16 min)
9) Investigative Tools: KUB questionnaires (27 min)
10) Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR): Definition, medical-surgical management (25 min)
11) Physiology of defecation (41 min)
12) Neurogenic Bladder (11 min)
13) SEMG Biofeedback Fundamentals (40 min)

Day One

8:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
9:00 am PST - Course begins / Constipation and Encopresis: definitions treatment and medications Part 1
10:00 - Questions & Break
10:15 - Constipation Part 2
11:15 - Video Demonstration Lab: External palpation of the PFM, PFM assessment with breath holding versus straining
12:00 - Lunch
12:30 - Dysfunctional voiding
1:30 - Enuresis (Bedwetting): Definition, etiology, medical-behavioral management
3:00 - Break
3:15 - Psychological considerations
4:00 - Biofeedback evaluation & treatment with Video Demonstration with exercise progression lab
5:30 - Questions & adjourn

Day Two

8:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
9:00 am PST - Course begins / Review and questions from Day 1
9:30 - Medical evaluation
9:45 - Therapy evaluation- subjective and objective
10:45 - Questions & Break
11:30 - Therapy assessment, goals & plan
12:00 - Lunch
12:30 - Video Initial Evaluation
1:30 - Questions
1:45 - Treatment session examples with Video demonstration Lab: DRA assessment; belly breathing assessment and treatment
3:15 - Break
3:30 - Stimulating a void: lecture and lab
4:15 - Interactive Case studies
5:30 - Questions and adjourn

Course instructor – Dawn was very knowledgeable and awesome! She has very good stories of PT to go along with the lessons.
- Dawn Swanson - Baton Rouge, LA

Excellent course! I feel incredibly more prepared to treat the paediatric population after taking this class. Dawn is wealth of knowledge.
- Alyssa Puckett, PT, DPT - Houma, LA

Labs and videos helped a lot! Fingers crossed I can help someone with their bowel/bladder challenges.
- Kristy Zeringue, PT - Baton Rouge, LA

Amazing class! Absolutely loved the videos, clinical expertise and input! Labs were super helpful! The more time the better! Loved the clinical relevance and the ability to apply this at work on Monday.
- Caroline Denison, PT - Baton Rouge, LA

Awesome course!! Loved it! I learned so much – hope to apply it all in the clinic.
- Chalisse LaBauve, Physical Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist - Baton Rouge, LA

Great course! Give me the confidence to go home and make the case to begin this program.
- Anna Miller, OTR/L - Chatham, IL

Amazing course! Dawn presented this content in a way that made sense and "flowed" wonderfully.
- Sandy Englert, PT - Baton Rouge, LA

The value of our small class size and Dawn's ability to modify to meet our specific needs was amazing. I'm thrilled to get back in the clinic this week to practice and institute what I learned this weekend.
- Amber Cunningham - Bethlehem, PA

One of the first things Dawn said was treating kids is not like treating small adults and oh my goodness was she right what a pleasure and a privilege I learn from such a knowledgeable, compassionate and incredible teacher. Thank you so much Dawn!
- Hanna Trinite, PT, DPT - Arden, NC

Wonderful course! This got my interest in this topic even more; I can't wait to take the next level course.
- Veronica Crass, PT, DPT - San Diego, CA

I have taken PF1, Pf2, 2A and 2B. I still learned a ton of useful info to use adults as well as peds.
- Jennifer Dickinson, PT/DPT - Marshall, MO

This course gave me the tools and education I needed to feel confident in helping my patients and their families move on improved quality of time. Cannot wait for the GI Course!
- Kristen Swain Grandstaff PT, DPT, WCS - Arlington, VA

Great introductory course with amazing examples and time spent in lab! Excited to go put what I learned into practice.
- Tessah B Skoog, PT, DPT, ATC - Rochester, MN

Great TA's – such good insight! I loved the patient examples and videos! Just absolutely excellent – Dawn.
- Christine Stewart, PT CMPT - Ottawa, KS

Dawn sparks an interest w/ her passion. Great job!
- Hope Hillyard, DPT - Prairie Village, KS

The slides with videos and pictures were very helpful. Lots of great resources / book recommendation.
- Karen Johnson, PT - Chanhassen, MN

The slides with videos and pictures were very helpful. Lots of great resources / book recommendation.
- Karen Johnson, PT - Chanhassen, MN

Dawn (& Everyone) was absolutely phenomenal! One of the best courses I have ever been too. Her passion and knowledge are inspiring and makes me more passionate about what we do. Because constipation is so important, it may be advantageous to have it earlier in the day on the 2nd day versus the end of the day! Absolutely worth the travel and effort with my facility and administrators to get to this course! Thank you so much!
- Sarah Keller, PT, DPT - Bismarck, ND

Fantastic introduction for Pelvic Floor Rehab for pediatric.
- Susan E Nelson, MSN, APRN, CNP, FNP, CUNP - Springfield, IL

Such an incredible conference! So much information presented in an meaningful, relevant manner. Wow!
- Donna Schweitzer - Toledo, OH

I feel like this class has provided me with the tools necessary to treat pediatric incontinence and constipation. Dawn is full of knowledge and great therapy ideas.
-Courtney Sibla, OTR/L - Bismarck, ND

Wonderfully helpful course! I have a peds eval next week and I feel confident that I will know now to complete an appropriate eval and develop a sound plan of care.
-Melanie Werth PT, DPT, MDT Cert - Zeeland, MI

This course was a great source of information and should be encouraged in all other PF courses. If I knew each specialized class was as informative as this one, I would take them all.
-Colleen Foley PT,CPT - Wichita Falls Texas, TX

Great Course! Provides a great understanding of pediatric PF function/ dysfunction. Provides a toolbox that you can take and feel confident treating kiddos PF problems (great tips for adults too!)
-Nicole Jacobs, PT, DPT - Fairfax, VA

This was an excellent course! I came away with the tools and knowledge I Needed to successfully begin treating Pediatric clients with PF bowel and bladder concerns.
-Cheryl Curtis PT, WCS, BCB-PMD - Erie, PA

Really clear with explanations. The way Dawn describes treatment is very relatable and realistic. I will definitely be using what I learned in my own clinical practice.
-Deena Anna Kimiatek PT, MSPT - New York, NY

One of the best courses I have ever been to speaker and content!
-Lauren Gilkes - USA

I loved this! As a newer PT grade-this was something we did not cover in school, and I know there's a need in the area where the private clinic I work at is. I loved how Dawn emphasized the importance of looking at the child as a whole.
-Heather Johnson, Pt, DPT - Mankato, MN

I have taken the class before & this class was so helpful & up to date on new information. I encourage people to take the class again! I have also taken the med bridge & felt doing the labs in class and visually seeing the instructor really improved my learning and clinical care.
-Kristin Anderson PT, DPT, OCS, CLT - Kansas City, KS

I feel so much better prepared now to treat pediatric patients. I am already a pelvic PT and got a "crash course" from my colleagues who see peds. But now I feel like I am going back to work with a lot of new ideas for our clinic, and some things the other need to change!
-Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, OCS - Peoria, IL

This was a very thorough course heavily grounded in current evidence and research. Dawn was very knowledgeable about pediatric incontinence and provided real-life examples of patients which was so helpful. I highly recommend this course to therapists wanting to treat pediatric incontinence.
-Nicole Koskovich, DPT - Sioux Falls, SD

Enjoyed the course and especially the instructor. I really appreciated the emphasis placed on the whole person/family and the affect that BBD has on that unit.
-Kristina Peterson, PT, DPT - Riverside, CA

I am very eager to start my pediatric pelvic floor program. I feel I've been given great resources to get this started. Loved the videos to "see the program in action."
-Teresa Pederson, DPT - Wyoming, MN

This was my first pelvic floor course and I learned so much. I'm excited to take this knowledge back to my practice and begin treating this population of children. Thank you Dawn!
-Stephanie Tindle, DPT - Greenville, SC

I thought the course and Dawn were wonderful. We learned a lot this weekend. Dawn does a fabulous job, kept our attention, and has opened up a whole new world for us.
-Susan Swoope, PT - Augusta, GA

I really enjoyed this course and am very excited to bring this back to my practice. It will give me more of an opportunity to explore a larger population who experience PFM dysfunction. Thank you very much! This exceeded my expectations!
-Laura Purificato, PT - Albany, NY

Dawn has such a wonderful presentation style and great passion for the matter at hand. Great course of new knowledge for pediatrics along with bringing back the basics on bowel and bladder functions. Looking forward to using [what I've learned!]
-Kelsey Beach, DPT - Lee's Summit, MO

This course fulfilled my expectation and more! I've gained so much information, and I have so much to take back to add to my clinical practice. Thank you!
-Caitlin Semmelrock - Houston, TX

I appreciated Robin's depth of experience in pediatrics. Being a peds therapist the way she talked was so relate-able. Good examples and pace.
-Kelsey Lund, MA, OTR/L - Fargo, ND

You guys touched my heart. I'm so happy to go to the world and help those kids!
-Marzena Bard, PTA - Hamilton, NJ

Dawn and Erin were awesome. Their knowledge of course content was exceptional and their treatment ideas and case studies were helpful. I feel comfortable with beginning to treat pediatric patients and incontinence.
-Jennifer Rebela, PT, MS, PCS - Attleboro, MA
Dawn has created an inspiring comprehensive course. Thank you!
-Dustienne Miller, MSPT - New York, NY
Great. I feel empowered that I can apply this in my clinic setting and feel confident to educate professional/medical staff plus parents.
-Mary South, MS, PT – Chappaqua, NY
I just enjoyed the entire 2 Days. The students were also interested as well. A Nice group to be studying with.
-Jane Frahm, BS, PT, BCB-PMD - Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Loved it, Thanks!
-Anita Killins, PT - Conway, AR

Dawn Sandalcidi

Dawn Sandalcidi PT, RCMT, BCB-PMD is a trailblazer and leading expert in the field of pediatric pelvic floor disorders. She graduated from SUNY Upstate Medical Center in 1982 and is actively seeing patients in her clinic Physical Therapy Specialists, Centennial CO. #ptspecialist

Dawn is a national and international speaker in the field, and she has gained so much from sharing experiences with her colleagues around the globe. In addition to lecturing internationally on pediatric bowel and bladder disorders, Dawn is also a faculty instructor at the Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute. Additionally, she runs an online teaching and mentoring platform for parents and professionals. #kidsbowelbladder

In 2017, Dawn was invited to speak at the World Physical Therapy Conference in South Africa about pediatric pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence. Dawn is also Board-Certified Biofeedback in Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction (BCB-PMD). She has also been published in the Journals of Urologic Nursing and Section of Women's Health.

In 2018, Dawn was awarded the Elizabeth Noble Award by the American Physical Therapy Association Section on Women's Health for providing Extraordinary and Exemplary Service to the Field of Physical Therapy for Children.


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